Maharashtra Bamboo Promotion Foundation

Year Of Establishment 2019 |

This is a non-profit organisation which has been promoted by Government of Maharashtra and Tata Trusts to develop the bamboo sector. It focuses on development of some clusters for production, design and sales. It also promotes bamboo based products manufacturing unit to create local employment.


The Foundation believes that the primary hurdle or bottleneck which restrains the growth of the bamboo sector in India at present is the absence of an ‘ecosystem’ for the sector. The foundation is addressing supply chain issues by identifying the gaps in this sector and taking steps to fill it up by suitable, imaginative interventions. It is also working in partnership with organisations like farmer groups, SHGs, cooperatives, corporates, entrepreneurs, research and academic institutions to play a role of catalyst to solve the problems faced by them in bamboo sector. 
The Foundation is giving special thrust and attention on product design, market linkages, cost effective treatment methods, tools, jigs fixtures & innovative uses for bamboo.


• Promoting organised bamboo markets, as pilots.
• Development of some clusters for production, design and sales.
• Value addition of bamboo in tribal PESA areas.
• Developing a pilot village showing usage of bamboo in housing construction.
• Promotion of bamboo based agarbatti units to create local employment.
• Linking architects and designers for the bamboo sector.
• Support for block plantations of bamboo.
• Creating awareness among younger generation regarding bamboo.
• Development of bamboo information centres, wherein all relevant information relating to bamboo are available in one roof (physical and electronic).
• Support services to small bamboo entrepreneurs.

Head Office: Mumbai, India